· University of New South Wales Medical Society ·


Our unique and trusting relationship with the UNSW Medicine Faculty allows our students’ voices to be heard.


Everything we do at MedSoc aims to cultivate and improve our community within Medicine at UNSW, from inter-year events to mentoring and more.


Our 200+ yearly events and initiatives enrich the lives of all our students both creatively and academically.

representing over 1,600 medical students

MedSoc is here for YOU

As the peak representative body for Medical Students at UNSW, we aim to advocate for our students, create fulfilling and enriching experiences and ultimately form a close and supportive community across our six years and six campuses.

Our Team

With more than 200 passionate volunteers, it becomes clear how rich a culture we cultivate at UNSW Medicine. 


We have seven amazing Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and two creative Performing Art Groups (PAGs) that we oversee and support.


We also maintain proud partnerships with our many affiliates such as GPSN, MSAP, RAHMS, MOA and our Rural Medical Societies.


Learning is central to medicine. MedSoc is here to help make that a little easier!


Wellbeing in Medicine is key in not only enjoying your time here but also doing well academically!


MedSoc also produces many publications on a yearly basis. These cover a range of useful topics from 1st Year Guides (we call the Umbilical) to in-depth student guides for learning across each year of the UNSW Medicine Program.

Thank you to our Premium Sponsors

Have a look out our sponsor, Fresh Promotions! Learn more here.