Hello Everyone! MedSoc recognises the importance of student participation in academic conferences, seminars and other educational activities external to UNSW. As such, the Conference Presentation Reimbursement Scheme which was started in 2018, aims to partially subsidise some of the associated expenses. Payment(s) will be made retrospectively at the end of the year.
For details on the full policy, please access it here. You are strongly encouraged to read the policy document prior to beginning the application form to avoid wastage of your time. The following pro forma is written as a simplified guideline to the policy document.
A written article with photos to be submitted either to The Jugular or MedSoc Website. This can be anonymous.
Where the registration cost is less than or equal to $400 for domestic academic conferences and $700 for international academic conferences, they will be reimbursed $200 or $350, respectively, to a maximum of 100% reimbursement.
Where the registration cost is greater than $400 for domestic academic conferences and $700 for international academic conferences, 50% of the registration cost will be reimbursed to a maximum amount of $600.
If you have any queries about this policy, please contact the Conference Reimbursement Authorities at: