Radiology and Radiation Oncology Society (RadSoc) is a special interest group that extends a warm invitation to all medical students intrigued by Radiology and Radiation Oncology. In collaboration with our esteemed sponsors, RadSoc orchestrates an array of distinctive events aimed at instructing students of all levels in the systematic and structural interpretation of medical imaging, all while fostering an atmosphere of enjoyment and learning. By engaging with our society, students gain insight into the diverse career pathways within the field, including diagnostic radiology, interventional radiology, radiation oncology, and nuclear medicine. Our events serve as platforms for esteemed practitioners to impart invaluable wisdom, while also providing opportunities for networking among like-minded peers and professionals. Join us throughout the year for enlightening sessions such as career pathway nights, medical imaging nights, and online case series. Stay updated on our latest events and news by following us on Facebook and Instagram.